Wellness Champion Award
We started in 2009 as a way to celebrate companies that put their people first by investing in the health of their employees. Now, we are taking employee health to the next level by honoring those who are genuinely making a difference — the people. If you or someone in your organization is interested in nominating a team member for the Healthiest Employers Wellness Champion Award,Winners will receive an Amazon gift card and wellness prize pack for their contribution to employee health.
Learn About the 2024 Wellness Champion Award HERE

The Six Values Essential to a Healthiest 100 Workplace
Clearly understands the challenges and opportunities which differentiate its workplace, workforce and industry and has identified the attributes that set its corporate wellness initiatives apart and above.
Culture & Engagement
Engages the hearts, minds and bodies of employees to address and affect wellbeing. “Walks the talk” in every respect of workplace culture, including working conditions and organizational practices.
Employer is a learning-minded organization that demonstrates a track record of continuous improvement leading to increasingly successful and repeatable employee wellness outcomes.
Seeks out wellness professionals who balance subject-matter expertise with emotional intelligence and a deep understanding of behavior and motivation. Develops the internal know-how to execute on organizational vision.
Employer clearly understands and defines the strategic value of wellness to the overall organization. Measures success and makes adjustments as needed to sustain and improve results.
Maintains awareness of tools and technologies, and understands how to match them to organizational needs. Deploys the most suitable technologies to direct and manage corporate wellness initiatives.

How Are Employers Selected?
Employers complete the online Assessment. Applicants receive their Healthiest Employers Index (HEI), a 1-100 metric to measure their program. The top ranking 100 finalists are invited to the Awards ceremony.